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A History of Col R Tone™:

As early as the 1930's, Faber Birren was one of the first to experiment with color and behavior. By color coding the industrial workplace, Faber reduced industrial accidents from 46 per 1,000 to only 6 per 1,000.

Also, Dr. Maria Montessori found color coding to allow a greater amount of order and faster learning in the classroom.

Now, as companies and organizations have become larger and much more complex, color coding has been discovered to be the answer for organizing and informing. This is why the use of color coding, just out of its infancy, is increasing dramatically, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.

And, only RPI offers the complete color coding system, the Col·R·Tone System™ of tapes, labels, tags, flags, tabs and markers.

The Col R Tone Sysytem™:

  • Allows more efficient organization of paperwork, files, inventory, records, orders, shipping papers, and equipment. A simple colored dot, tells at a glance, what action needs to be done

  • Speeds paperwork flow. This system makes file and paper tracking much more efficient, increasing speed, reducing misfile-errors-while increasing security/confidentiality

  • Provides "at-a-glance" recognition. Col-R-Tone System™ products flag references and call attention to a needed action to be taken. These products also alert the viewer to a status or condition

  • Sets priorities, warns and cautions. Calls attention to a needed signature, missing information, details the priority level, or cautions at a glance

  • Shows ownership. Instantly shows where an item is to be returned,stored or placed. A simple colored dot or tape strip gets a file, chart, book, or instrument returned to its proper location

  • Flexibility. Color coding can be adapted to any need, from only using six colors to all 24! One can start with just tapes and later add dots, labels, tags, flags, and the other products

Call (785) 437-6000 EXT 114 for a free swatch card which shows actual samples.
The Col R Tone™ System is used by:

  • Offices, filing departments, order processing, and inventory control.

  • Shipping departments to mark paperwork and product to alert when to ship, how to ship, how to handle, or how to package.

  • The legal profession to organize and index proposals, documents, exhibits and evidence.

  • Banks, accounting, real estate and insurance firms, to indicate where a signature is needed, to call attention to missing information, for filing, or to flag a priority.

  • Medical organizations, hospitals, clinics, nurses stations, laboratories, medical records, pharmacies, and also used extensively in medical charting. Colored tapes are also used to create "wall art" for patients in hospitals and children in schools.

  • Educational institutions to organize records, educational equipment, audiovisual media, and also to label items by department.

  • Libraries to organize books, periodicals, computer and audio-visual items. Maintenance departments, plumbing, heating and electrical departments to mark cable, wires, ductwork, vents, pipe content and flow, etc.

  • Material handling and industrial safety departments. Also great for calibration and inspection use. Excellent for fleet management, stores and tool inventory. á Retail stores for inventory, paperwork and product coding.

  • Municipalities, police, fire and EMS find color coding a must.

  • Moving companies to mark boxes and items so that moved items are placed in the correct room, office, or area.

  • Storage companies to organize the warehouse.
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